Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan’s
letter to
the President
of the


I would like to thank you for your letter, in which you informed me about some of the activities to be undertaken by the International Informatization Academy in connection with the upcoming celebration of the millennium. The year 2000 presents a symbolically compelling opportunity for the international community to articulate a vision for our common future and for our United Nations...

As you know, the United Nations attaches great importance to communications, information and the new technologies that are re-shaping our world and making possible a kind of diplomacy, solidarity and concerted action unthinkable just a few years ago...

I am pleased to see that the Academy understands the crucial role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in our work for peace, development, democracy, human rights and cooperation among peoples and nations accomplishing our goals.


Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan